

Vet Classics Tear Stain Supplement removes tear stains from your pet's coat to improve appearance and prevents new stains from forming. The product works naturally and does not contain antibiotics. This means that, unlike some other products, Vet Classics does not put your pet's health at risk by contributing to antibiotic resistance.

Vet Classics Tear Stain Supplement helps remove tear stains under your pet's eyes and prevents the formation of new stains. This improves the appearance of your pet's coat. Vet Classics is safe for use in cats and dogs over the age of 6 weeks and is not associated with side effects or adverse reactions.

Benefits of Vet Classics Tear Stain Supplement:

  • Removes unsightly stains from your pet's eye area
  • Antibiotic-free
  • All natural ingredients are well tolerated
  • Appearance is generally improved within weeks
  • Does not cause side effects
  • Use only as long as necessary to treat and prevent staining

Use Vet Classics Tear Stain Supplement only as directed by your veterinarian.

Tell your veterinarian about any other medications or supplements your pet is taking before giving this product.

Do not allow children to administer this supplement to your animal.


  1. Give 1 scoop daily to cats and dogs weighing up to 15 lbs.
  2. Give 1 1/2 scoops daily to cats and dogs weighing 16-50 lbs.
  3. Give 2 scoops daily to cats and dogs weighing 51 lbs. and over.

Frequency of Use:

Give once daily. Once staining has completely stopped, continue using for an additional 30 days to prevent a recurrence of symptoms.


Store Vet Classics in the original container, tightly closed, away from heat and moisture. Do not keep in the bathroom or near the kitchen sink. Keep away from children and animals.

It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

Vet Classics Tear Stain Supplement safely and quickly stops tear stains on cats and dogs. Many factors can cause tear stains, including excessive tearing, diet, allergies, blocked tear ducts, fleas, and genetics. In most cases, a single cause is never found and the only option is to treat tear stains directly. Vet Classics eliminates tear stains without the use of antibiotics to improve the appearance of your pet's coat.

Active Ingredients (per 1.25 cc scoop): Cran-Max (Cranberry Extract) 105 mg, Vitamin C (from Ester-C) 34 mg, Oregon Grape Root 34 mg, Marshmallow Root 23 mg

Inactive Ingredients: Dried Whey, Natural Flavoring, Non-Fat Dry Milk, Silica Aerogel and Stevia


Keep this product out of reach of children and animals. Do not use or store in or near open flame or heat.

Vet Classics Tear Stain Supplement is intended for use in dogs and cats only. Not for use in horses or other animals. Not for humans.

CAUTION: Although this product is not a medication and is not usually associated with side effects, individual sensitivities are possible. Report adverse reactions to your veterinarian.

Do not use Vet Classics Tear Stain Supplement in animals with a known allergy to it or to similar products.

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