

Dealing With a Smelly Pet

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As much as we love them, cats and dogs can develop strikingly unpleasant odors on occasion. If your pet stinks, you'll need to determine the cause to effectively remedy the problem. Pet odors emanate from a variety of sources. They can also signal an underlying health problem, such as an infection, periodontal disease, or impaired kidney function. A strong odor is a reason for a visit to your veterinarian.

Bathe Your Pet

Sometimes, unpleasant odors are picked up from rolling around or playing outdoors. Give your pet a bath. Use a cat or dog shampoo and make sure you work up a good lather. Let the shampoo stay on for 5 to 10 minutes as indicated on the product label before rinsing.

Douxo Pet Shampoo

Dogs in particular are prone to acquiring a stink while outdoors, so take some preventive measures. Make sure trash is inaccessible, and pick up and dispose of feces in the yard regularly. Wet dogs are famous for their stink, so keep your dog out of the pool. If she does swim, invest in a canine blow dryer and use it before your dog comes back inside.

Try a Medicated Shampoo for Skin Conditions

Often, a particularly strong skin odor indicates an allergic skin condition or a skin yeast infection. Consult your veterinarian about medicated shampoos that help treat such conditions and reduce associated odor. Douxo Seborrhea Shampoo and PhytoVet CK are two popular options.

Improve Dental Hygiene

Many foul pet odors emanate from the mouth. If your pet has stinky breath, brush her teeth at least twice weekly with a species-appropriate toothpaste. Pay attention to the gum line. Dental rinses and chews also help reduce buildup and freshen breath. If this doesn't help, your pet's bad breath may have more to do with stomach gases; in these instances, ask your veterinarian about dietary changes and digestive aids that may help.

"Unpleasant pet odors can also signal an underlying health problem."

Clean Your Pet's Ears

The ears are another notable source of pet smells, particularly with the presence of an ear infection. Otic cleansers and ear infection treatments, such as Zymox otic products and MalAcetic Ultra Otic Flush, help greatly. Use a basic otic rinse or flush routinely to keep your pet’s ears clean. If your pet has particularly dirty ears or seems prone to ear infections, consult your veterinarian about maintenance use of a medicated cleanser for preventive care.

Dechra MalAcetic Wipes

Dealing with Anal Sac Odor

Cats and dogs have anal sacs that sometimes fill up and leak a potent, foul-smelling liquid or become infected. These odors are the worst a pet owner is likely to smell. Your veterinarian or groomer can express the anal sacs to prevent ongoing odor. If you have a strong stomach, ask for instructions on doing it yourself at home.

Medicated wipes like MalAcetic Wet Wipes/Dry Bath also help. Animal Odor Eliminator (AOE) pet wipes and similar products are useful for cleaning up secretions that leave behind an odor.



The above is provided for information purposes only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any condition. This information does not cover all possible variables, conditions, reactions, or risks relating to any topic, medication, or product and should not be considered complete. Certain products or medications may have risks and you should always consult your local veterinarian concerning the treatment of your pet. Any trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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