

Cat Addison's Disease

Updated 1/17/2011

Addison's disease, also known as hypoadrenocorticism, is an extremely rare condition in cats but can be potentially devastating when it does occur.

What Causes Addison's Disease

The adrenal glands, located next to the kidneys, produce a variety of hormones including those that allow animals to respond to stressful situations (glucocorticoids) and those thatmaintain normal fluid and electrolyte levels in the body (mineralocorticoids). When the adrenal glands do not produce adequate amounts of these hormones, Addison's disease is the result. Usually, the cat's own immune system has attacked and destroyed her adrenal tissues, creating Addison's disease. Less frequently, other causes such as drug therapy are responsible. For example, the sudden withdrawal of high doses of corticosteroids (e.g., prednisolone or dexamethasone) may cause Addison's disease in cats.

The Signs of Addison's Disease

The symptoms of Addison's disease in cats can include:

  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • dehydration
  • weakness
  • increased thirst
  • poor appetite
  • weight loss

With severe Addison's disease, extremely low glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid production causes a condition known as an Addisonian crisis. Affected cats may collapse, have extremely slow and irregular heart rates, and die.

Routine blood work may hint at the presence of Addison's disease, especially if an electrolyte panel is included. Finding low sodium and high potassium in the blood is suggestive, but other diseases can cause these results also. An ACTH stimulation test is required to definitively diagnose all cases of Addison's disease.

Veterinary and Home Care

Cats in the midst of an Addisonian crisis will need to be hospitalized for intravenous fluid therapy, glucocorticoid injections, normalization of the body's electrolyte levels, and close monitoring. Long-term therapy includes medications to replace the missing mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid hormones.

Options include:

fludrocortisone acetate – an oral medication that has good mineralocorticoid and some glucocorticoid activity. Additional supplementation with glucocorticoids may or may not be necessary.

Percorten-V – an injection given about once every 25 days to replace natural mineralocorticoids. Additional supplementation with glucocorticoids is necessary.

prednisolone – a glucocorticoid that may be given at low doses regularly and/or at higher doses during times of stress.

Addison's disease cannot be cured but with a dedicated owner, affected cats can live long and happy lives.

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